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Q: Who is running these events?

A: Baldman Games (a Wizards of the Coast Premier Organizer) partners with D&D in NYC (a Wizards of the Coast supported Adventurer's League group/charity of a bit over 500 adventurers) every year to to be able to provide the most exciting weekend of games every New York Comic Con. While Baldman Games is well known for their in-person and major gaming convention events, D&D in NYC is primarily a volunteer charity wing of The Dungeon Alliance Inc., who wants to create equitable and accessible gaming spaces to those who need it. D&D in NYC is focused on local initiatives such as libraries, schools, and organized play groups with a desire to fundraise for efforts they believe in. This year and last year's charity of choice was The Trevor Project.

You can join the D&D in NYC discord here!


Q: What events will this group be running at New York Comic Con?

A: Well, now you're asking important questions! We have two types of events, one that is a reward for donations to our fundraiser for The Trevor Project, and a WHOLE LOT of events where we just are running some amazing games for anyone and everyone! All the descriptions are below, times can be found in the schedule on this page. When you know what you want to play, come talk to HQ!


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Fundraising Tables

​These events are available as donation rewards, check the schedule on this page for when they will happen, or go to HQ and they will happily help you figure things out. These are very special modules run exclusively for NYCC as a fundraising event, and we promise it will be an experience you will never forget, and will contribute directly to our donation goal towards The Trevor Project.


Here's what we got:


Fundraising Guest:

Sarah D. Reynolds
Co-Creator, Game Designer, and OG Tavern Keeper of

Dungeons & Dragons The Twenty-Sided Tavern


Session Name: Arcane Abominations Anonymous

(5th Level, Author Run, NYCC Exclusive Session)

Session Times (2-hour sessions):

Saturday @ 3PM, 5PM, 7PM, 9PM

Sunday @ 2PM, 4PM


Description: Some elements of Sarah's co-creation and now Off-Broadway smash hit Dungeons & Dragons The Twenty-Sided Tavern will be employed during the session (minus the alcohol... unless?).


Long ago, a dangerous arcane experiment destroyed Coldfire Citadel, and in its place carved an intricate cavern system steeped with wild magic, chaotic forces, and worse. For a time, this latent danger seemed contained to the caves, and life in the surrounding village continued in peaceful harmony. But recently there have been sightings of an unspeakable horror, signs of an unidentifiable beast, and livestock has gone missing. Can your group of intrepid adventurers save the land from the terrifying destruction of a creature that can’t even be named, preferably before it eats all of the chickens, or worse, you?


Additional fundraising will include:

  • Rerolls, all the Rerolls

  • Cry Havoc (will create a wild magic table-like effect, could be very very good, very very bad, or just downright silly)

  • Real-World Skills (Got a good joke? Can you do a card trick? Know how to cartwheel? If you can impress the table with your Real-World Skills, you can sub them in for one in-game skill check)


Fundraising Guest:

Dante Piro

Module Author/Playwright/PipJam '24 Winner


Session Name: The Tomb of Would-Be Heroes

​(4th Level, Author Run)

Session Times (4-hour sessions):

Thursday @ 6PM

Friday/Saturday @ 7PM

Sunday @ 2PM


Description: This is the first place module of TDAI's Pip's Adventures fundraising zine, which is available at HQ. Meet and play with the author!


A self-contained diversion into a mysterious tomb of adventurers slain before their time. Journey into their memories to redeem their moment of failure, uncover the secret of your mysterious old guide, and reap great rewards.


Additional fundraising will include:

  • Add your favorite number on the d20 as crit-able

  • Max damage/healing, Roleplay sidebar with PC/NPC

  • Rewind 6 seconds in the past as a do-over

  • One-time use of mechanic from other TTRPGs or older editions (exploding dice, There/Not There, etc)

  • Replace a letter in a single spell (Cause Bear, nominate person, 9th level Fish )

  • Force an NPC to sing their dialogue

  • Be declared officially the "BEST PLAYER" at the table (complete with crown)

  • Become the DM on a strict 60 second timer.

  • Gun


Fundraising Guest:

Lex Winter
Module Writer/DMs Guild Bestselling Author


Session Name: SJ-DC-NOS-01 "Terminal Escape Velocity" (16th Level, Author Run)

Session Times (4-hour sessions):

Friday/Saturday @ 7PM


Description: Our highest level game of the con, run by the author! A DMsGuild Best-selling adventure, right here at NYCC.


A lost spelljammer equipped with experimental engines reappears after 6 years. The giff (well, A SINGLE giff) has hired the characters to explore the derelict and recover the spelljamming helm. If it sounds like Event Horizon, that's where I got the idea!


Additional fundraising will include:

  • Rerolls. All the rerolls. Its for charity

  • Probably a bunch stolen from Dante's


Fundraising Guest:

Vanessa Dudley
Module Author/Miniature and Terrain Artist/TDAI Director of Fundraiding/Magical Princess (her words)


Session Name: The Mean Girls of the Apocalypse

(5th Level, Author Run, NYCC Exclusive Session)

Session Times (4-hour sessions):

Friday/Saturday @ 7PM


Description: This adventure will have ALL the custom painted miniatures and terrain! If you're into the craft side of Dungeons and Dragons, dont miss out on this exclusive run! Need more info? Just find Vanessa at HQ, and she will show/describe everything to you personally!


Additional fundraising will include:

  • Rerolls!


Fundraising Guest:

Maiia Lysytska
TDAI Pip's Adventure's Lead, Local Cryptid


Session Name 1: Scratch's Spooktacular Mansion

(5th Level, Author Run, NYCC Exclusive Session)

Session Time (4-hour session):

Saturday @ 10AM



A spooky season special! Expect heebies, jeebies, spooks, and goofs in this one-time EXCLUSIVE adventure run!


Scratch has invited all their best friends to celebrate Fall Festival together. As the clock hits midnight, the party takes a wrong turn... Now, it is up to the players to solve the mystery and save the guests from the curse- and themselves!


Session Name 2: The Last Stand

(4th Level, NYCC Exclusive Session)

Session Time (4-hour session):

Saturday @ 3PM



Another winner from PipJam'24!? It can't be! This will only be run once, be there!


A party of disgraced and brow-beaten survivors of the fall of Vekley are offered one last chance at redemption. With the help of the fallen hero Igri, they are tasked with stopping the Ritual Procession taking place in the wastelands beyond Vekley Castle before it can succeed, ending their ruined world for good.

Additional fundraising will include:

  • Rerolls

  • Summon familiar (rat)

  • Rewind from past (thank you Dante)


And these next sessions are available for no commitment other than you showing up!:


Demo Sessions

(all day, every day, for approx 30 minutes):

Want to figure out what Dungeons and Dragons is all about? Wanna just huck some dice in a quick 30-minute event? Are you presently cosplaying as Dustin Henderson from Stranger Things, and aggressively need a photo-op with some dice and minis in the foreground? Our Dungeons and Dragons Demo experiences are designed to get you into the play experience and do so knowing you can probably hop into any game in the future, if you believe in yourself a bit. This event is also great for kids (tho we may try our best to group you with other kids, at your discretion).


Learn to Play

(every two hours, as scheduled on this site, for 1.75 hours)

A 90 minute D&D Experience, with a focus on getting you rolling and playing the game as soon as you sit down (after a quick explanation from your DM. Play this if you want to just have a chill experience, or if you want to play and maybe even join in on some of our more advanced sessions!

Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn

(every two hours, as scheduled on this site, for 1.75 hours)

The new 2024 rules update is out, and with it Wizards of the Coast asked us to run this rad adventure stepping into the world of the old Dungeons and Dragons cartoon! We're really excited to run this one, and we hope you are too! This will be the only 2024 rules experience at New York Comic Con so don't miss out!


(every two hours, as scheduled on this site, for 1.75 - 3.75 hours)
A complicated code explaining that... this is an Adventurer's League Game! Join in with a new character, or an existing one, and step into organized play with a thrilling introductory experience published by the fine folks at Baldman Games. These sessions are 2 hours long, with the option to play BOTH 01 and 02 if you ask HQ when you sign up!


Q: How do I turn in my fundraising donation rewards?

A: First off, thank you immensely, what you just did was rad and is going to an amazing cause. Secondly, just let someone at HQ know what you donated, and what you were interested in getting for that donation! If you want specifics on donation suggestions and what is being offered as rewards, visit the fundraising page directly or just ask!

Anchor 1
Anchor 2

Click on an event to see more details,
then register for it at HQ!

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