Subscribe to D&D in NYC's
Monthly Membership Here!
Donation widget on bottom of page
Tier 1: Basic Support
25% Seating Discount on Wednesday Nights @ Squarrel Cafe
(this saves you ~$60 in the long-term, and helps our volunteers be able to maintain high-quality 'venturin!)
Tier 2: Middle Support
All of the above!
A 3d printed miniature per primary campaign arc!
Tier 3: Star Squarrel Citizen Support
All of the above!
The group gives you whatever items/merch that they are working on for free.
(please only pick this tier because you can, you'd be surprised how expensive running a low-cost group in NYC is, and we love running events and funding everyone's creative work that enhances the game but also our community.
Thank you for picking this tier, if you can afford it, otherwise we appreciate all we get, at any tier.)
The Dungeon Alliance Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is 99-3695345